
Tuesday, October 22, 2024


"Written for Girls" Part 8 - Part 3 Give him extra motivation 1. You are a colleague of your husband's family


December 21, 2023

A man devotes most of his life to work. His wife had the privilege of sharing in any occupation which occupied the greater part of his time. A wife who gives her care and help when necessary can not only help her husband succeed, but also gets the right to share in the rewards.


December 21, 2023

A man devotes most of his life to work. His wife had the privilege of sharing in any occupation which occupied the greater part of his time. A wife who gives her care and help when necessary can not only help her husband succeed, but also gets the right to share in the rewards.


Image copyright©️姜啟明| New San Cai

December 21, 2023


December 21, 2023


Part 3 Give him an extra push

1 You are a colleague of your husband’s family

If you're worried about the pretty female secretary in your husband's office, why not take her job?

One morning, the passengers on the bus craned their necks and saw a lively, agile, fashionably dressed little lady jumping on the bus carrying a shotgun. Is this an advertising stunt? Or a weirdo? Many passengers were fidgeting in their seats until the woman arrived at her stop, calmly shouldered her weapon and jumped out into the street. The bus driver was probably relieved at the same time. This was just Adorya Feyun doing a favor for one of her husband's customers by returning the shotgun she bought on credit to the original store.

Mel Feyun is a successful salesman for a large home appliance factory. His wife, Adorya, has come up with many ways to help him expand his work, so he calls his wife his "Friday Girl."

“My husband lives, eats, sleeps and breathes a passion for his work,” Mrs. Feyun told me, “and I naturally get the excitement. Over the past twenty-five years I have come up with many small projects. Ways to help him, I love the work."

Mrs. Feiyun wanted to help her husband develop his abilities, do big things at work, improve the business, take care of customers, and increase sales. She thought that if she could help him with small but necessary chores, he would be able to use all his talents.

Mr. Feiyun had many letters that had to be dealt with at home; so Adorya learned to type. Driving across thirty states is also very strenuous for a man. So Adorya learned to drive. “I once drove Mel from Times Square in New York to the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco,” she said proudly. “It was a simple thing for him, but it was an amazing experience for me. "

Even if Mrs. Fei Yun develops hobbies, she only thinks of her husband's career. She collected many old irons—some as old as 150 years old—and painted many colorful posters for her husband to use as exhibits and displays at sales.

Adorya Feyun gained more excitement from her husband's success because she had devoted herself to it. After Mr. Fei Yun finished speaking at a sales meeting in Tennessee, someone in the audience told him: "I don't know who is most interested in your speech tonight, the salesman or your wife? "

The charming attention given by a wife is the best advertisement. No wonder Mr. Fei Yun regards his wife as indispensable.

Many women have not thought of doing what Mrs. Feiyun did. "What is the female secretary he hired for?" they would say, or, "When the company is willing to pay me a salary, I can also be Henry's little helper, but by that time, he can already be like me. In this way, you can do your job quickly and well."

Well - it's their future, not mine. But sometimes a little extra help from his wife can really give a man a boost and make him go faster and higher. Furthermore, the kind of favors you can do to your husband depends on the type of job he does. Maybe he needs your help with some paperwork: typing, writing reports, handling correspondence. Maybe answering the phone, driving for him, checking books or magazine information, these tasks can reduce his burden and give him energy to do more productive work. If you want to help your husband in this way but aren't sure where to start, ask him to give you some ideas.

Obviously, it would be ridiculous if you expected a woman who had housework to do, several children to take care of, and no domestic help to try to help her husband and become his "Girl Friday." But some women can do all these housework well and help their husbands efficiently. Their motivation is to give their husbands an extra boost. .

For example, here is the case of Peter Attado and his wife. When young Peter Attado was discharged from service in World War II, he founded Yaskan Lemenshin Auto Service with a car and eight hundred dollars.

When the taxi company that had been established for many years became too busy to take care of all its customers, some people turned to calling Peter's car. Peter's service was fast, enthusiastic, and efficient, so people called his car more often. Since he could not drive and listen on the phone at the same time, Peter's wife, Rose, volunteered to answer the phone for her husband, as long as Peter installed a business telephone extension at home. After the telephone extension was installed, Rose took on the responsibility of delivering telecommunications equipment.

Now, Peter is so busy with work that he must hire another driver. But when Peter was away, Rose still had to answer his calls, take care of their three young children, and do all her chores. Peter said, "No matter how much money I spent in salary, there was no way I could hire someone to answer the phone who would be as interested in serving my customers as Rose. Rose knew the names and addresses of our regular customers as well as I did— —She derived a great deal of pleasure from their patronage. They knew that Rose would not give them incorrect information, would not try to delay them while I was traveling long distances, and would even go to another house for them if I was unavailable. Call the taxi company. I can't live without this girl!"

And Rose also said: "If her husband needs her, no woman will be too busy to help him. If she wants to help her husband, she can do what I did and arrange the housework. Be efficient and leave time to help him with what he needs.”

Some women do not have children to take care of at home, so they can go directly to their husbands' offices or places of business to give their husbands valuable help.

That's what Mrs. Bella Dras did. Her husband was a physician in a clinic, and when he needed an assistant, she filled the gap until he found a suitable secretary. She did her job as beautifully as if she had been there all along, spending her mornings tending to household chores and her afternoons helping her husband, a physician.

For Louise, this is more than just a job," her husband explained. "She cares as much as I do about the health of every patient who comes to my clinic or comes to the clinic. "

Yes, any work a wife does for her husband, has an extra quality. Their interests will be closely combined, not only for work, but also for life. There was no way she wasn't giving more to her job.

Wives like Girl Friday have eased the work of many highly successful people. Anthony Trooper is a British novelist. He said, "Before his manuscript was printed, no one except his wife had ever read or criticized a word. "Her taste has given me the greatest benefit. "The French writer Alphonse Daudi was afraid to get married because he was afraid that marriage would dull his imagination. Later he met Julie Allard and began to change his mind. Some of his best works All of his works were written after marrying Julie. Julie had a great literary appreciation, and Dowdy trusted her comments very much. His brother said, "Almost none of Dowdy's ecstasies were written." Zhang has not been changed, revised or retouched by Julie. "Harper, the great Swiss naturalist and authority on bees, had been blind since the age of seventeen. His wife encouraged him to study natural history and, in accordance with his wishes, used her eyesight and observation to help him become famous. .

If you don't have some common sense or understanding of your husband's work or career, it is almost impossible to give him appropriate help - the more we know, the more we can help him.

Even in the husband's work, the wife cannot be of any special help. If she can have an understanding of his work needs, the wife can be more compassionate and patient, and become a smarter man. partner.

In a scene from Sir James Matthew Barrie's lovely play What Every Woman Knows, Maggie Wiley goes to bed with some abstruse law books under her arm that her fiancé is reading. She explained to her brothers: "I don't want him to know things that I don't understand."

A wife's common sense about her husband's work has been recognized as a great stimulus to his success, so now industry is working hard to get that common sense into the wives of their employees.

In the past, it was very difficult for the wife of a big company employee to know more about her husband's work in addition to the company he worked for. However, it is no longer like that. "Company wives" are now being bombarded with knowledge in all forms: videos, lectures, pamphlets, company publications.

Dowshay, general manager of the Leary-Dollywood Teacup Company, was quoted in Lucky Star magazine as saying he was planning to issue a bimonthly brochure about the company's business to the wives of employees. "If she read the brochures," Mr. Dausche said, "she couldn't help but get excited about the business."

A wife who is "excited about the business" is her husband's most important ally with her husband's employer.

A certain machinery manufacturing factory in Orlikon, Switzerland, arranged a visit for the wives of employees. During these days, the ladies toured the entire factory and listened to explanations of the various manufacturing procedures. Factory managers have found this to be a practical policy because they can often get suggestions for improvements from these ladies.

Many American companies have also opened their doors to wives, and they have had the same effect. For example, the American Blake Leather Shoe Company also arranges for employees' wives to visit factories. They encourage these wives to put forward their own opinions and suggestions on the company's plans and policies.

In Today's Woman, Martin Shore tells of a woman who participated in a visit sponsored by a Midwestern home appliance factory. When she saw her husband working at his machine, she had an idea. That night she asked her husband why his machine didn't use a foot pedal instead of a lever that was above the head. Replacing the foot pedal would save a lot of time and unnecessary movements. Her husband thought this was a reasonable idea and took the suggestion to his boss. When this suggestion was implemented, his productivity increased by about 20 percent, and the idea earned him a bonus of $350.

A man devotes most of his life to work. His wife had the privilege of sharing in any occupation which occupied the greater part of his time. A wife who gives her care and help when necessary can not only help her husband succeed, but also gets the right to share in the rewards.

Whenever I read Tolstoy's immortal classic literary masterpiece "War and Peace", I will remember that his wife actually copied this immortal work seven times. She is a true Friday Girl.

So if you want to give your husband an extra push, don’t forget to do this:

—Learn all you can about his work.

2. Help him do any special work he needs so that he can do his job better.


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Tags: Life perception, taste of life, emotional life

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