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Chinese espionage activities flood many countries in the United States and Europe


November 4, 2024

The scale of Chinese espionage infiltration activities in Western countries is beyond imagination. China not only dispatches intelligence agency personnel, but also makes full use of private enterprises, ordinary citizens and international students to conduct intelligence espionage and collection.


November 4, 2024

The scale of Chinese espionage infiltration activities in Western countries is beyond imagination. China not only dispatches intelligence agency personnel, but also makes full use of private enterprises, ordinary citizens and international students to conduct intelligence espionage and collection.


November 4, 2024


November 4, 2024


[New Sancai Compilation and First Release] According to US news media reports, the scale of Chinese spies’ infiltration activities in Western countries is beyond imagination. China not only dispatches intelligence agency personnel, but also makes full use of private enterprises, ordinary citizens and international students to conduct intelligence espionage and collection. And it has penetrated into various political and business organizations, including politics, national defense, science and technology, industry, academia, research units and large enterprises, etc. Their purpose is not only to improve national defense and technology, but also to use stolen or collected intellectual property to develop the economy and eliminate or weaken competitors is another purpose.

The report said that Western intelligence agencies said they were unable to curb China's espionage activities. They therefore remind businesses and individuals to remain vigilant when interacting with China. According to an FBI investigation, the number of Chinese hackers outnumbers the agency's network staff by 50 times. A European agency estimates that there may be 600,000 to 700,000 Chinese intelligence agents of various types scattered across Western countries collecting intelligence and conducting espionage activities. In September, it was reported in the United States that five Chinese graduate students at the University of Michigan were caught filming secretly in a National Guard training exercise area, which included Taiwanese soldiers.

The FBI recently released a report stating that Chinese hackers have hacked into 260,000 Internet-connected devices in the United States, the United Kingdom, France and other countries. In addition, according to a U.S. Congressional investigation, Chinese-made container cranes used in U.S. ports are equipped with mechanisms that allow China to remotely control these equipment. Therefore, last December, the U.S. Congress prohibited the Department of Defense from using any port agency around the world that uses China's cargo data platform to transport U.S. military equipment or any supplies to prevent confidential information from being spied on by China.

Britain has also accused Chinese hackers of hacking into a British government database. The United States is also investigating incidents in which Chinese hacker groups hacked into U.S. broadband providers to intercept and steal information. The FBI accuses China of using routers located in the United States as springboards to penetrate control equipment of American water systems and power networks.

Ten years ago, the United States accused China of using hacking methods to steal American corporate secrets and imposing tariffs to suppress China. It also discourages European allies from using Chinese-made equipment to build telecommunications infrastructure.

According to the report, China’s intelligence systems operate in a decentralized manner, each with a large degree of autonomy, making it difficult for Western countries to monitor and penetrate. Moreover, their actions seem to adopt a non-fixed pattern of waiting for opportunities.

(Compiled by: Mulian)

(Editor: Jiang Qiming)

(Source of the article: Compiled and published by New Sancai)

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