
Tuesday, October 15, 2024


Chinese hacker group hides behind the scenes to attack the United States


October 11, 2024

According to reports, the hacker group Salt Typhoon, following the instructions of the Chinese Communist Party, has penetrated multiple U.S. Internet service providers in recent months in an attempt to steal sensitive information.


October 11, 2024

According to reports, the hacker group Salt Typhoon, following the instructions of the Chinese Communist Party, has penetrated multiple U.S. Internet service providers in recent months in an attempt to steal sensitive information.


October 11, 2024


October 11, 2024


[New Sancai Compilation and First Release] According to US media reports, the hacker group Salt Typhoon (Chinese means salt typhoon) has penetrated many US Internet service providers in recent months in an attempt to steal sensitive information. The organization has conducted in-depth research on the U.S. broadband network and attempted to implant hidden operating mechanisms into U.S. infrastructure computer systems to steal critical and sensitive information and establish the ability to launch cyber attacks.

U.S. officials said they had disrupted the hacking attack. U.S. officials also pointed out that this group of hackers followed the instructions of the Chinese Communist Party and carried out attacks on American universities, government organizations and other institutions.

Government officials revealed that the Flax Typhoon hacker group had installed malware on more than 200,000 connected devices. And these devices are not limited to government agencies, including routers in ordinary homes or offices of public and private institutions on the network. Hackers use infected computers to build a massive botnet of connected devices. This botnet is then used as a springboard to launch attacks against other computers on the network without the owner of the computer equipment knowing it, stealing all kinds of sensitive information.

The director of the FBI pointed out at an online conference that the Flax Typhoon hacker's behavior caused huge damage to the victims, and the victims were forced to spend a lot of time and even money to clean and repair computer systems and data caused by the malware. damage.

A retired US government adviser told US news media reporting on the incident that Salt Typhoon's latest attack was simply audacious. They attempt to penetrate the entire U.S. digital network through major U.S. Internet service providers and use the Internet to gain power over the United States.

(Compiled by: Mulian)

(Editor: Jiang Qiming)

(Source of the article: Compiled and published by New Sancai)

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