
Tuesday, October 15, 2024


The US Department of Defense is reported to be operating secret UFO files

Wang Jimin

October 10, 2024

The whistleblower claimed that the U.S. Department of Defense was conducting a top-secret government project called "Perfect Constellation" on UFO files.

Wang Jimin

October 10, 2024

The whistleblower claimed that the U.S. Department of Defense was conducting a top-secret government project called "Perfect Constellation" on UFO files.


October 10, 2024

Wang Jimin

October 10, 2024

Wang Jimin

[New Sancai Compilation and First Release] According to a report released by the independent publication "Public" on October 8, a top-secret government program called "Perfect Constellation" is used to store "unidentified anomalies" (also known as UAPs). ) video and image archives.

The program was first mentioned by a government whistleblower who spoke to the public and relayed in a report to a congressional committee that the military and intelligence communities were operating a system that ranged from "infrared (IR), forward-looking infrared (FLIR) ), full motion video (FMV) and photo acquisition UAP photography video and image database.

According to a whistleblower report to members of Congress, "The existence of Perfect Constellation demonstrates the existing capabilities to detect, isolate, and isolate UAP and ARV collection incidents before they are observed and spread within military intelligence agencies." and transfer, therefore as a means of enhancing internal information security.

The whistleblower alleges that in 2017, the Department of Defense conducted an unofficial UAP program called the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) after The New York Times reported on it under the so-called Unconfirmed Special Access Program. USAP) created the "Perfect Constellation".

Public owner and journalist Michael Shellenberger told The Joe Rogan Experience on October 9 that the Pentagon "illegally" withheld information about the program from Congress amid the whistleblower report.

Schellenberg told Rogen that the Pentagon had repeatedly promised him a response about the secret program, but each time the date came, they didn't respond.

A former intelligence community official told the public, "The program was run by SEC DEF (Office of the Secretary of Defense). They didn't want to admit it was real."

The person later warned that simply printing the name "Perfect Constellation" could trigger government surveillance under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act against the person who posted the name. "They won't comment on it, but talking about it puts you in a dangerous zone. They keep it secret very vigorously."

U.S. Department of Defense spokesperson Sue Gough responded to the public on October 9, denying any knowledge of the special visit plan called "Perfect Constellation." However, she did not link any USAP to this secret program called "Perfect Constellation."

(Compiled by: Wang Jimin)

(Editor: Jiang Qiming)

(Source of the article: Compiled and published by New Sancai)

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