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Closing the toilet seat won't stop viruses that spread after flushing

Wang Jimin

January 26, 2024

A new study finds that tiny virus particles can spread to many bathroom surfaces when the toilet is flushed — whether the toilet seat is open or closed.

Wang Jimin

January 26, 2024

A new study finds that tiny virus particles can spread to many bathroom surfaces when the toilet is flushed — whether the toilet seat is open or closed.


January 26, 2024

Wang Jimin

January 26, 2024

Wang Jimin

[New Sancai Compilation and First Release] It is said that closing the toilet seat before flushing can prevent the spread of all bacteria because the mist generated when flushing will remain in the toilet. But what if it’s a virus with even smaller particles?

A new study finds that tiny virus particles can spread to many bathroom surfaces when the toilet is flushed — whether the toilet seat is open or closed.

Researchers reported in the American Journal of Infection Control on January 25, 2024 that the only effective way to reduce the spread of the virus is to disinfect toilets, toilet water and nearby surfaces.

"The results show that closing the toilet seat has no meaningful impact on preventing the spread of viral particles, and our study highlights the importance of regularly disinfecting toilets to reduce contamination and prevent the spread of the virus," said senior researcher Charles Gerba. Gerba) said.

Previous studies have shown that flushing toilets can create aerosol plumes that can travel up to five feet or more, spreading bacteria to bathroom floors, walls, sinks and other surfaces, the researchers said in a background note.

Studies have also found that closing the toilet seat can reduce the spread of harmful bacteria in the bathroom.

However, the researchers note that so far, no one has studied whether the same is true for viruses, which tend to be much smaller than bacteria.

In this study, they analyzed the spread of viral particles caused by flushing with an open or closed toilet seat.

The team implanted varying doses of the virus, which is harmless to humans, into toilets and then collected samples from toilet water and various bathroom surfaces.

The researchers found that opening or removing the lid had no effect on the amount of virus collected from bathroom surfaces. Toilet seats are the most polluted surfaces.

The researchers also analyzed the effectiveness of cleaning toilets with and without disinfectants.

Cleaning with just a toilet brush leaves a lot of viral contamination behind, but cleaning with a disinfectant and a brush can significantly reduce the amount of viruses found in toilets, researchers say.

Results showed that the disinfectant/brush combination reduced viral contamination on the toilet bowl by nearly 100% and on the brush by approximately 98%.

Adding disinfectant to the toilet before flushing or using a disinfectant dispenser in the toilet tank have both been shown to be effective in reducing flush contamination.

"In healthcare settings, any potential pathways for pathogen transmission must be addressed to ensure that all patients - including the most vulnerable, such as immunocompromised individuals - are as healthy as possible," Gerba said.

The researchers found that closing the toilet seat did change the direction of the aerosol plume. After flushing with the toilet seat closed, the floor in front and to the left of the toilet was more contaminated than when the toilet seat was opened.

Given all this, regular disinfection of toilets may help reduce the spread of infection to others in a virus-infected household, researchers say.

Tania Bubb, president of the Association of Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology, said in an association news release: "This study helps to provide a clearer understanding of how pathogens spread and what we can do to break them. These chains of transmission." "This also emphasizes the importance of regular disinfection of surfaces in healthcare facilities to reduce the spread of viral infections."

(Compiled by: Wang Jimin)

(Editor: Jiang Qiming)

(Source of the article: First published by Xinsancai)

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