
Sunday, September 8, 2024


The troubles of being tall


January 26, 2024

Thinking about it this way, God is fair, everyone has a good side, and everyone also has corresponding shortcomings. We must learn to face imperfection, learn to find balance among shortcomings, and understand the true meaning of life through gains and losses...


January 26, 2024

Thinking about it this way, God is fair, everyone has a good side, and everyone also has corresponding shortcomings. We must learn to face imperfection, learn to find balance among shortcomings, and understand the true meaning of life through gains and losses...


January 26, 2024


January 26, 2024


The day before yesterday, I took some photos with some friends. Everyone is about the same height, only Jessie is taller than the others. We suggested Jessie stand in the middle, but she insisted on standing on the edge.

Today, I got the photos and everyone discussed them in the group. Everyone took the photo very naturally and everyone was very satisfied with the group photo. After discussing the effect of the photo, someone commented: "Jessie, you are so tall!"

I looked back at the photo and it was true, Jessie was a full half head taller than the rest of us. Being tall, thin and graceful like her is the dream of many girls. Those who are not tall enough often resort to wearing high heels to enhance their temperament. Fortunately for Jessie, she doesn’t need to wear high heels at all. She looks good with any combination of trench coat and skirt.

However, Jessie sighed and said it was too high. Her friends in the group teased her, saying that it was a pity that her height was not transferable. If she could transfer it, she would really want to trade it with her. Jessie laughed and told everyone that tall people have their own troubles. For example, she wanted to try high heels, but she had never worn them because they would make people feel shaky and scary.

I suddenly realized that the "slim" in our minds is like the chain of the person involved. Unable to adjust her height, she could only accept reality. On the other hand, those of us who are of average height can wear high heels when we want, and they won’t feel uncomfortable when we wear them. When we get tired of wearing them, we can change back to flats, and switch back and forth without any consequences.

Everyone has an ideal self in their mind, but when faced with the real self, they often see shortcomings. I often look forward to how great it would be if those shortcomings were removed. Sometimes we look at others from our own perspective and can't help but envy the highlights of others. But no one is perfect, and even if someone has highlights that are beyond our reach, those highlights may be their own insurmountable obstacles.

Thinking about it this way, God is fair, everyone has a good side, and everyone also has corresponding shortcomings. We must learn to face imperfection, learn to find balance among shortcomings, and understand the true meaning of life through gains and losses...


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