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Headphones linked to hearing loss in children

Wang Jimin

February 28, 2024

The American Academy of Pediatrics issued a statement last year about the need to reduce children's noise exposure, including the use of headphone devices. Experts say prolonged or extreme exposure to loud noises can lead to hearing loss or tinnitus, a ringing ringing in the ears that doesn't stop.

Wang Jimin

February 28, 2024

The American Academy of Pediatrics issued a statement last year about the need to reduce children's noise exposure, including the use of headphone devices. Experts say prolonged or extreme exposure to loud noises can lead to hearing loss or tinnitus, a ringing ringing in the ears that doesn't stop.


February 28, 2024

Wang Jimin

February 28, 2024

Wang Jimin

Headphones linked to hearing loss in children

Summary: The American Academy of Pediatrics issued a statement last year on the need to reduce children's noise exposure, including the use of headphone devices. Experts say prolonged or extreme exposure to loud noises can lead to hearing loss or tinnitus, a ringing ringing in the ears that doesn't stop.

Keywords: headphones, children, hearing impairment

[New Sancai Compilation and First Release] A new report finds that many young children playing loud music on their headphones may be permanently damaging their hearing.

According to the CS Mott Children's Hospital National Poll on Children's Health at the University of Michigan Health, two-thirds of parents said their children ages 5 to 12 regularly have headphone devices in their ears.

Health experts say that includes half of children aged 5 to 8 years old, and prolonged exposure to noise in this age group is very dangerous.

“In recent years, our main concern has been overuse of headphone devices among teenagers,” said Dr. Susan Woolford, a pediatrician at the University of Michigan and co-director of the Mott Poll. "But headphones are becoming increasingly popular among younger children, exposing them to more intense noise on a regular basis."

"Young children are more susceptible to the potential harm of noise exposure because their auditory systems are still developing," Woolford added in the news release. "Their ear canals are also smaller than those of adults, enhancing perceived sound levels. "

Poll results show that half of parents whose children use earphones say their children spend at least an hour a day using them, while one in six say their children use earphones for at least two hours a day.

The survey found that children are most likely to use the devices at home, at school or while riding in the car. A quarter of parents said their children occasionally used them on airplanes, and less than 10% said their children used them on the bus, outside or in bed.

Half of parents think headphones help keep their children entertained or focused.

Concerns are growing, and the American Academy of Pediatrics last year issued a statement citing the need to reduce children's noise exposure, including the use of headphone devices.

Prolonged or extreme exposure to large amounts of noise can lead to hearing loss or tinnitus, which is a constant ringing in the ears, Woolford said.

"Historically, the risk of noise exposure to young children has been associated with loud, single events like concerts or fireworks, but parents may be underestimating the potential harm of excessive use of headphone devices," Woolford said. "It's difficult to know whether children's exposure to noise is healthy. .”

"Tiny hair cells in the inner ear pick up sound waves to help you hear," Woolford explains. "When they are damaged or die, hearing loss is irreversible."

Woolford added that children's exposure to noise can also affect their sleep, schoolwork, stress levels and even blood pressure.

The survey found that only half of parents said they had tried to limit their children's use of headphone devices by asking them to take breaks, setting specific usage times or using timers.

Additionally, parents of children who use headphones for more than two hours a day are less likely to set time or volume limits than parents who report spending less time using headphones.

Woolford said parents can reduce their children's risk of noise exposure by adopting a number of strategies.

First and foremost, they should monitor the volume levels on their headphone devices.

"A good way to tell if an audio device is too loud is if your child wearing headphones can't hear you when you're an arm's length away," Woolford says.

Woolford advises parents to follow the "60/60" rule - use headphones for no more than 60 minutes a day and at no more than 60 percent of maximum volume.

Parents can also consider the risk of noise exposure when purchasing one of these devices for their children, Woolford said. Headphones that emit less than 70 decibels are less likely to cause noise-related damage.

Check the product messaging on your device and choose those that limit volume, Woolford says.

But Woolford said that you don't necessarily believe in products that claim to be "child-safe" because the volume of some products is not limited to 70 decibels.

Daily "device-free time" can also help kids take a break from headphones and earbuds. Woolford said parents should consider putting away or locking their children's audio equipment when the time limit ends.

Woolford said parents can also encourage their children to enjoy music at low volumes in their rooms instead of using headphones.

Woolford said if parents are concerned about their child's hearing, they should get checked by a pediatrician, audiologist or ear, nose and throat specialist.

"Early signs of hearing loss may include demands to repeat, hearing ringing frequently, talking loudly to people nearby, delayed speech or a lack of response to loud noises," Woolford said. "Healthcare providers can help by providing information about hearing loss. A simple explanation to help parents and children understand the reasons for limiting the use of audio devices."

(Compiled by: Wang Jimin)

(Editor: Jiang Qiming)

(Source of the article: Compiled and published by New Sancai)

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